How to Quickly Improve Your Writing Skills with French Grammar Checkers
November 22, 2016
There are lots of tools you can use to check your French for grammar, spelling and conjugation mistakes. But how well do they perform? That’s […]

16 ways to say how are you in French
October 12, 2016
You walk to your friend, ask him “comment allez-vous ?” (how are you) and expect a passionate answer about what’s he’s been up to lately. Instead, […]

14 Authentic Ways to Say Sorry in French
September 9, 2016
Imagine how you’d react if your boss fired you and told you “Sorry, bro” as an apology. You’d be even more upset at the news, […]

4 Ways to Use “Quand Même” Like a Local
July 8, 2016
Quand même (often incorrectly spelled comme même) is an expression the French use all the time. The problem is that its meaning never seems to […]

26 Potentially Embarrassing French False Friends You Need to Know
April 22, 2016
You’re in a supermarket and you wonder if the delicious cakes you’re looking at contain preservatives. So you muster your courage, smile and ask the seller “excusez-moi, […]

Don’t Study French Grammar, Do This Instead!
March 17, 2016
If you studied French at school, your teacher probably asked you to learn the conjugation of the verb “avoir” and “être” by heart at some point. […]