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Category: French Grammar

French grammar doesn’t have to be complicated. Learn the 20% of grammar that applies to 80% of sentences and nouns!

Plus learn about the difference between masculine and feminine French nouns and find out how to use French adjectives like a local.

You will also find dozens of free lessons about French conjugation.

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Jumpspeak Review: Is This AI Language Learning App Worth It?

November 22, 2024

I haven’t explored many AI language learning apps myself because I’ve only been using French Together‘s AI Speaking Partner to work on my conversation skills. […]

Closeup of a handshake between two African American men

All about the common French phrase “d’accord”

August 28, 2024

D’accord is a French phrase that shows agreement. It means “all right” or “okay”. Depending on the context, it could also be translated as “I agree” […]

The terrace of a cafe in the French countryside. The building is an old stone house, up the road are cliffs. People are on the terrace, which has an awning. The sign on the side of the building and hanging over the door give the name of the cafe as Le Grand Jardin.

The easy guide to the French definite articles

August 23, 2024

The definite articles in French are: le, la, l’, and les. All of these are the equivalent of “the” in English. You might be wondering […]

Scattered tiles in bright colors. Each one has a capital letter on it in a font that looks a bit like something from around the mid-20th century.

The 16 French Capitalization Rules You Need to Know

July 26, 2024

Do you know the most important French capitalization rules? French shares an alphabet and certain basic grammar and punctuation rules with a number of languages, […]

Street signs with the ocean in the background. Most are signal signs but the one in the middle shows an arrow indicating both left and right.

French si clauses and how to form them

July 2, 2024

Si clauses, of “if” clauses, are the French equivalent of “if…then” statements.  The main difference between French si clauses and English “if…then” statements is that […]

Close up of a woman's forearm and hand. She is outdoors and pointing her finger at something out of shot. Her nails are painted a cool shade of bright, sea green.

All yours: A guide to French possessive pronouns

May 22, 2023

The French possessive pronouns are: le mien/la mienne/les miens/les miennes (mine); le tien/la tienne/les tiens/les tiennes (yours); le sien/la sien/les siens/les siennes (his/hers/its); le nôtre/la nôtre/les nôtres (ours); le […]