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Whether or not it’s actually true, many of us consider the French masters of seduction. That must mean there are some perfect French pick-up lines, right?
If you’re a fan of pick-up lines (phrases de drague or phrases d’accroche in French), I’m sorry to tell you that these are regarded by the French pretty much the same way they are in lots of other cultures: sort of cheesy and not the best way to make someone want to go out with you.
Still, as is the case in many other cultures, French pick-up or chat-up lines can be pretty funny. Some are so cliché they might be a part of a joke or reference in a French book, movie, or TV show. For that reason, they’re worth knowing – although you probably shouldn’t use them in any serious situation.
Here are a few of the most over-used French pick-up lines, as well as a few others that are so clever we have to give an appreciative nod…even though we’re pretty sure none of these have a high rate of success.
Note that since most pick-up lines are addressed to women, we’ve kept words in their feminine form when applicable. So if you want to try one of these lines on a guy, make sure to make any applicable words masculine.
That said, seriously using a pick-up line on anyone is probably not a good idea!
9 cliché French pick-up lines

Pick-up lines aren’t very common in French, which makes sense since they don’t really work. But some are so bad that they’ve become notorious. You may come across them in real-life, but probably more likely in French books, movies, TV shows, or comic books. Here are a few:
Je peux avoir ton 06 ?
(Can I have your (cell/mobile number?)
Most French cell phone numbers begin with a 06. ….Although nowadays, not all of them do, which is one of many reasons why this pick-up line may not work. Note that this chat-up line isn’t always used on its own; it’s often combined with another one.
Ton père ne serait pas un voleur ? Parce qu’il a pris toutes les étoiles du ciel pour les mettre dans tes yeux.
(Is your father a thief? Because he took all the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.)
This is the French pick-up line par excellence, cited on a number of lists.
Nous nous sommes déjà rencontrés n’est-ce pas ? Je trouve que tu ressembles énormément à ma prochaine copine.
(Haven’t we met before? I think you look a lot like my next girlfriend.)
If you’re tempted to use this line, note that famous French women’s magazine Femme Actuelle qualifies it as “garantissant 100 % de chances de vous faire congédier” (guaranteeing a 100% chance of being turned down/sent away).
Ton père, il fait pas des biscottes ? Parce que t’es craquante.
(Does your father make crispbread/Melba toast? Because you’re crunchy/irresistible.)
In French, craquant(e) means both “crunchy” and “irresistible”, making for a perfect pick-up line pun.
T’as un plan ? Parce que je me suis perdu dans tes yeux.
(Do you have a map? Because I’m lost in your eyes.)
This is one of the most common French chat-up lines I’ve come across.
Je t’ai pas déjà vu quelque part? Ah oui, c’était dans mon dernier rêve.
(Have I seen you somewhere before? Oh yeah, it was in the dream I had last night.)
Unsurprisingly, this French chat-up line was included on a list entitled Top 14 des approches de drague les plus foireuses (The 14 crappiest pick-up lines).
Tu aimes l’eau ? Alors, tu aimes déjà 70 % de ma personne !
(Do you like water? Then you already like 70% of me!)
As pick-up lines go, this one is pretty clever. That’s probably why, according to one site, it’s pretty common on dating apps.
Netflix et chill ?
(Netflix and chill?)
A common 21st-century pick-up line used in cultures around the globe, including, it turns out, la langue de Molière!
If nothing else, this pick-up line reminds us that French isn’t always a romantic language – sometimes it gets right to the point. It’s not just an old-fashioned language used in eloquent love poems.
Tu es charmante.
(You’re charming/beautiful/lovely.)
This pick-up line isn’t particularly cheesy and is actually one that you might hear in real life. But be careful; it’s still a cliché, so the person telling you this may not really think you’re the most charming person in the world. They may just want to choper (French slang for “to pick up/pull someone”).
6 clever French pick-up lines

Here are a few French pick-up lines I’ve come across that are actually pretty witty.
That said, it can’t be stressed enough that pick-up lines aren’t the best way to go about getting a French person to go out with you! So let’s just see these as a way to have a bit of a laugh.
Es-tu magicienne ? Parce que quand je te regarde tout le monde disparaît.
(Are you a magician? Because when I look at you everyone disappears.)
Pourrais-tu écrire mon prénom ? Je n’ai jamais eu d’autographe d’un mannequin.
(Could you write down my name? I’ve never gotten a model’s autograph before.)
J’ai un problème avec mon portable, il manque ton numéro !
(There’s something wrong with my phone, it’s missing your number!)
On est un match. Mais c’est toi et moi contre le reste du monde.
(We’re a match. But it’s you and me versus the rest of the world.)
A good pick-up line to use on dating apps , as an opener and for a laugh. But make sure that you can bring more conversation than that to your dating game!
J’aimerais être une goutte de sang pour mieux connaître ton cœur.
(I’d love to be a drop of blood, so that I could better know your heart.)
An absolute gem, for those of us who have a thing for poetic or Goth guys.
Si tu es étais le temps d’un verbe, tu serais plus-que-parfait.
(If you were a verb tense, you’d be the pluPERFECT.)
Voilà – the “perfect” cheesy pick-up line for French learners!
Where can I find more French pick-up lines?

If these French pick-up lines have given you a good laugh, you can find some other funny ones online.
Believe it or not, a good source of French pick-up lines is the French-language Wikipedia entry for “pick-up line”, which features a whole list!
This article from fun French website Topito goes niche, listing more than twenty French chat-up lines that start with Ton père…, a common formula that we’ve seen in a few entries on our own list.
You can find more French chat-up lines on the aforementioned Topito list of the 14 crappiest pick-up lines (Top 14 des approches de drague les plus foireuses).
Topito has several other articles related to French pick-up lines. You can find them by doing an online search for “phrases de drague Topito”.
Another good source is this list of French pick-up lines for dating profiles.
If you still can’t get enough French chat-up lines, you can do a general online search for “phrase de drague” or “phrase d’approche”.
Note that some of the results will be “pick-up artist” sites and other sources that are often disrespectful to women (and, in a sense, all of humanity).
It’s best to try to find article titles and website names that show that the pick-up lines listed are clearly seen as funny or lame, rather than surefire ways to “get the girl” or “be a man”. Look for things like phrases d’accroche ringardes or phrases de drague foireuses, etc.
The one French pick-up line you should never use
If you want to actually succeed at flirting in French, it’s probably not a good idea to use any French chat-up line in a serious context. But there’s one that’s an absolute no-no, even as a joke.
As we’ve explained before, Voulez-vous couchez avec moi ? (Do you want to sleep with me?) is not something real French people say to one another. It’s grammatically weird, and just generally inappropriate. The phrase is really only known among Anglophones.
Do French people like pick-up lines?

Aside from jokes or the occasional online profile, pick-up lines are rarely used in France, and are never to be relied upon as a surefire way to get a date (or more).
According to the results of a 2018 survey by YouGov, published in Le Parisien, nearly half of French women and men prefer to be approached in a natural, relaxed way. So a cliché or rehearsed line, especially said in a serious way, probably isn’t going to cut it.
The survey also found that in addition to a natural, sincere approach, a large number of French people also want someone who will make them laugh. So, using a pick-up line isn’t great, but if you do, at least make sure you’re presenting it in a sincere but joking way, and expect a laugh rather than a seductive reply.
A lot of the survey’s respondents also said they prefer to be asked questions about themselves (their interests, etc.) and to be complimented on their personality or sense of humor, rather than their physique.
You can get some additional insights on flirting in France from the Femme Actuelle article we mentioned previously, which features both good and bad flirting strategies, as well as this one from , once again, Topito, which lists “flirting techniques that actually work” (Top 10 des conseils de drague qui marchent vraiment).
It’s also important to remember that catcalling and street harassment became illegal in France in 2018. Since 2023, it can be punishable by a hefty fine (3750 euros at the time of this writing) and additional penalties. Sexual harassment in other contexts could get you up to 10 years in jail.
Whether it’s in person or online, the best way to really pick up a French person is to approach them in a friendly way and ask them about themselves a little. Start a conversation that shows you’re interested, not just spouting out rehearsed lines, and see where things go from there.
I hope you enjoyed this list of French pick-up lines. Although they may not be a surefire way to make a French person fall in love with you, some of them are undeniably funny!