The beginner’s guide to French ordinal numbers | With audio pronunciation

Ordinal numbers are numbers used to show the order of something – for instance, first, second, two hundredth, etc.  To make a regular, or cardinal, French number an ordinal number, most of the time you’ll add the suffix -ième to it. But there are a few exceptions, notably the number un, which becomes premier or première, depending …


Everything you need to know about the French cedilla

A cedilla (cédille in French) is a small hook that goes beneath a letter. In some languages, a cedilla can be used with several letters, but in French, the cedilla is only used with the letter “c”. In French, when a cedilla is beneath the letter “c”, this indicates that the sound is soft, like an …


9 ways to say “friend” in French

Ami (or its feminine form, amie) is the most common way to say “friend” in French. But there are several other options. As you learn French, may make some friends along the way, and you might want to know what to call them! Let’s look at some common ways to say “friend” (and, sometimes, more than …


The best resources to practice reading in French

Contrary to a popular myth, you don’t need to live in France to successfully learn French. The key is to expose yourself as much as possible to French, and to try to find ways to be totally immersed in it. In addition to honing your listening skills by doing things like watching French TV and listening to …


A Guide to the accent aigu, accent grave and other French E’s

When you’re studying a language, it’s important to learn about words and culture, but what about individual letters?  The French language has an interesting relationship to some of them. French vowels, as you’ve probably noticed, are sometimes topped by accents. These can serve an important purpose, but sometimes…not so much. And while many French people …